False Unicorn

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Biological Name: Chamaelirium luteumFalse Unicorn

Family: Liliaceae

Other Names: Helonias Root, Starwort, False Unicorn

Elements Applied: Dried rootstock is commonly applied in herbal medicine

Active Components: The glycosides helonin and chamaelirin, derived from diosgenin; saponins.

Used For: The herb is known to stimulate uterine muscles, induce urination, kill helminthes, relieve inflammations, and induce menstruation.

The plant, popular since the times of early America, is known as one of the most famous reproductive, and particularly, uterine stimulants. Although the herb is mostly applied for female problems, it can also help males in some cases. Its active content is represented by estrogen-forming agents. Still, it is also known to regulate female reproductive functionality.

The organism employs its constituents according to its needs, meaning, it can both stimulate and regulate the reproductive organ activity, and thus used in the opposite conditions. Being effective for uterine complaints, the herb may also be applied to induce menstruation. Unicorn Root is also beneficial for ovarian cramps. It may be applied as a preventative remedy for miscarriage, and as a relief for nausea associated with pregnancy. Still, its large quantities may result in vomiting and nausea.

Preparation and Intake: To prepare a decoction, take 1-2 teaspoons of herb root for 250 of water, boil it up and keep on low heat for ten to fifteen minutes. The result is consumed thrice per day. To prevent the possibility of miscarriage, take the decoction in large amounts.

In form of tincture the remedy is used at a dose of 2-4 ml thrice per day.

Safety: There is no data concerning the plant’s safety level. It is possible that the herb interacts with the medicine you use. Speak to your health-care provider before taking the remedy.