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Biological Name: Petroselinum crispumparsley

Family: Umbelliferae

Other Names: rock parsley, march, Parsley, common parsley, garden parsley

Elements Applied: Seeds, leaves, and the tap root are commonly applied in herbal medicine.

Active Components:

  • Coumarins
  • Volatile oil, which includes p-mentha-l,3,8-triene, 2-(p-toluyl)propan-2-ol, apiole, myristicin, 4- isopropenyl-l-methylbenzene, and b-phellandrene;
  • Phthalides
  • Flavonoids
  • Vitamins.

Used For: The herb is known to induce urination, promote expectoration, regulate the menstrual cycle, relieve flatulence, treat spasms, reduce arterial tension, and relieve constipation.

Fresh herb is high in vitamin C. As a medical remedy, Parsley is commonly applied in three cases. First, it is known to induce urination, thus relieving water retention in the body. Second, it acts as a menstrual stimulator, and helps regulate ovary activity. Pregnant women are not recommended to use parsley as it may lead to unwanted uterine stimulation. Third, the herb is used to relieve flatulence, and colicky spasms which are associated with this condition.

Warning! The herb is not suggested to use as a medicine during pregnancy.

Additional Info: Parsley is indigenous to eastern areas of the Mediterranean. It is specially raised across the globe.

Preparation and Intake: To prepare an infusion, take 1-2 teaspoons of root or leaf extract and fill it up with a cup of boiling water. Steep for five to ten minutes under a cover. The result is taken thrice per day.

In form of tincture the herb is taken at a dose of 1-2 ml thrice per day.

Safety: Warning! The herb should not be applied in medical amounts by pregnant women. In case of kidney conditions parsley should also be avoided.

There is no further data concerning the plant’s safety level. It is possible that the herb interacts with the medicine you use. Speak to your health-care provider before taking it.